About Us


  1. To provide our members with a forum for networking and sharing information about environmentally sound, cost effective, industrial and forestry vegetation management practices in Ontario.
  2. To provide educational opportunities for the membership.
  3. To represent the industry, to the public, to regulators, and to other key stakeholders.


Membership in OVMA will allow you to contribute directly to your profession. The OVMA strives to:

  1. To provide a means for vegetation managers, researchers and suppliers to meet, discuss and evaluate safe, effective vegetation management techniques.
  2. Liaise with government on issues of concern to the industry.
  3. Inform the membership of public concerns and legislative trends.
  4. Encourage understanding, acceptance, and compliance with best vegetation management practices.
  5. Provide educational opportunities for earning Continuing Education Credits for Public Works IPM Certification.
  6. Review and distribute scientific, technical and public information to help promote safe, effective vegetation management techniques.
  7. Provide a forum for public interest groups and other stakeholders to express their views on vegetation management.
  8. Introduce new products, techniques and equipment for use in vegetation management.

Would you like to become an OVMA member?